
If you have something to share, please reach out to the current Philo Moderator or

We Made [A] History, Again!

After 210 years in the making and a cast of thousands, we’re pleased to announce that the Bicentennial History of the Philomathean Society is available as an ebook on for the low, low price of $18.13. All proceeds go to the Philomathean Society and the Philomathean Endowment Trust. We hope bound copies of the book will be available soon.

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Update your information

We want to keep in touch! A crack commando team of Junior and Senior members helped Penn update its list of Philo alumni. You can update your contact information and make sure you’re marked as a member of the Philomathean Society at


join Philo ON FACEBOOK!

Nearly 500 Philos are members of the Facebook group Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania. It’s an easy way to keep Senior members connected, hear about upcoming alumni events, and share snarky comments.

Don’t like the socials? That’s ok too. You can always email us at and let us know how you’re doing.